Thursday 22 May 2008

Stupid things people have said to me at work

I am constantly amazed at what dribble comes out of mens' mouth's who work in the construction, and by this do not assume the subbies on the building sites, oh no, this is from the mouths of the highest ranks.

"The reason that the letters on your keyboard are coming off is because you are a woman and because women wear make-up it is something in that that makes the letters rub off"

"I have been told by HR that i should be more open and therefore i will sit in the chair beside you in the meeting room, not across the table from you which can be seen as a barrier. Don't worry i will leave the door open i don't want you to think i will rape you or anything."

"I would never give you that job."

"You have to do me a favour and meet with the Marketing Director before i can formally offer you the position as he questions how someone who is 31 years old can earn £xxxk".

I will continue to think of more and keep posting, as i am sure there is a book in this somewhere.