Wednesday 31 December 2008


keyboard letters on new computer in new company are not coming off after 3 months - whoopie!

Having left the awful company i had the misfortune to agree to work for - (what was i on when i agreed to that) - my then boss said that when i got my feet under the desk to give him a call and he would take me for lunch.

...i ask for what reason, like we have anything (positive) to say to one another. That is a lunch i can live with out. Needless to say i haven't got in contact...

Getting married - hooray

At last i am marrying the man of my dreams - looking forward to next year and the business that it brings. Sad that some family members cannot make it, but that's life.

Tuesday 22 July 2008

Feeling blessed

You know when you just have one of those good spells, where you fell good about everything...well i am having that now. I feell happy i have my boyfriend, i feel happy i have my cats, i feel happy i have friends, i feel happy i have family. That simple really.

Sat in Edinburgh at the moment wondering what i will have off the room service menu for dinner (big fun).

Please note - the letters on my keyboard have started coming off again despite IT Manager varnishing them to make them stay on longer due to the make-up i use.

Thursday 22 May 2008

Stupid things people have said to me at work

I am constantly amazed at what dribble comes out of mens' mouth's who work in the construction, and by this do not assume the subbies on the building sites, oh no, this is from the mouths of the highest ranks.

"The reason that the letters on your keyboard are coming off is because you are a woman and because women wear make-up it is something in that that makes the letters rub off"

"I have been told by HR that i should be more open and therefore i will sit in the chair beside you in the meeting room, not across the table from you which can be seen as a barrier. Don't worry i will leave the door open i don't want you to think i will rape you or anything."

"I would never give you that job."

"You have to do me a favour and meet with the Marketing Director before i can formally offer you the position as he questions how someone who is 31 years old can earn £xxxk".

I will continue to think of more and keep posting, as i am sure there is a book in this somewhere.

Thursday 17 April 2008

.....and further more

live life to the utmost enjoyment, absorb yourself in love and those you love...all else is inconsequential.


My uncle Eddie has fought the good fight, and lost. Having put up the bravest (and longest) fight - he bowed out gracefully....a gentleman to the end.

I am angry in that those that are left behind are the ones that break. To watch loved ones in pain, there are no words, you just want to absorb as much as possible, but who are you? In the big scheme of things you are not big enough, brave enough or strong enough to take the pain from them. All you can do is listen.

I have no words, my heart breaks. I love my family and i would protect them as much as i can, but i can't.


Sunday 23 March 2008

Where has the time gone?

Since i last posted i turned the big 3 0, bought a house and adopted 2 cats (hello Indie and Bobby) which i adore (so i have been busy, that is m excuse for not posting). It was the best decision i have made, i actually get excited coming home from to see them after work.

Still doing MBA - completed 2 modules ....and passed. Cannot wait to finish...need that boost in career. I found a quote by a one Oliver Wendell Holmes - i have no idea who he is but i completely agree with his thought -" A mind stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions".

Work has become tiresome, the struggles of the ego dominated, small-minded, small-horizon, small everything business has got my goat. It is a waiting game, unfortunatley the waiting seems to take ages...but not long ...not long.

I should be completing an assignment, but i am doing everything (like posting) not to finish it - i don't have the drive because i now i also have tomorrow therefore pressure is not on.